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  • Writer's pictureJennifer King

Moon Drop Grapes 76 Cents Per Bag!

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Go check your HEB mobile app to see if you have a HOT $5 off your basket coupon when you spend $6 or more on Cotton Candy, Gum Drop or Moon Drop Grapes right now!

This coupon is good for a single use per customer and is valid through October 15, 2021.

But it's perfect timing to use this week, since HEB just put Moon Drop Grapes on sale for only 97 cents per pound!

So here's how the math works out:

  • Fresh Moon Drop Grapes -- average of 2.5 lb bags marked down to $2.43 apiece (usually a whopping $9.95!)

  • Buy three bags for a pre-coupon price of $7.29.

  • Enter your digital app info at checkout to use your $5 off basket coupon.

  • Your new price drops to around $2.29 for all three packs -- which works out to just 76 cents per bag (or around 31 cents per pound!)

If you didn't receive this coupon, it's possible you don't have Special Offers turned on in your HEB app. Go to Account ---> Communication ---> Promotions and Announcements and make sure the button is set to blue. That gives HEB the approval to send you exclusive coupons.

Now, it's also totally possible that you have Special Offers turned on and still didn't get the coupon! But you won't even have a shot at receiving coupons like this if that button isn't set up correctly.

Need coupons? If you live in the San Antonio metro area, you can go here for a discount newspaper subscription and get them delivered for CHEAP each Sunday!
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