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  • Writer's pictureJennifer King

Nitro Pepsi Can Just 88 Cents (Save $1!)

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Heads-up for Walmart shoppers! We have a new Nitro Pepsi score available after printable Q:

  • Nitro Pepsi -- priced at $1.88 per can.

  • Use this $1 off printable coupon (good through May 30, 2022.)

  • Your new price falls to just 88 cents!

If you haven't heard of Nitro Pepsi, it's the first-ever nitrogen-infused cola that's actually softer than a soft drink – it's creamy, smooth and has a mesmerizing cascade of tiny bubbles topped off by a frothy foam head. I personally REALLY like the Starbucks Nitro Cold Brew, so I'm excited to see what the nitro process does to soda! Choose from either the Draft Cola or the Vanilla Draft Cola flavors.

Need coupons? If you live in the San Antonio metro area, you can go here for a discount newspaper subscription and get them delivered for CHEAP each Sunday!
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